The Academic Companion Piece to The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely

Monday, May 07, 2007

Top Hats and Top Blogs

Good evening, history lovers!

While I am still excitedly beavering away on my latest historical discovery, The Wild World of Lightnin' Lance Likely (see previous post for details, past fans), I have not forgotten my principal work in restoring the journals of Lord Likely, aristocratic adventurer.

To this end, I recently donated one of the entries from these fascinating diaries to the good folk at TopBlogMag, who have published it on their own site on this very day.

The entry, entitled 'The Mystery of Miss Terri', throws further light on his lordship's attitudes to women, and details another one of his short-lived relationships. It is exclusive to TopBlogMag, and will not see light of day on Likely's own blog, soI urge you to go and read it. It is the only way you will ever be able to see those particular words in that specific order.

Until next time, I remain yours sincerely loving history,

- Julian Syngen-Smythe.


Anonymous said...

Oh, well done (again) Julian!
You are certainly taking to this blogging like a duck to water. I'm so pleased that your work is finally being recognised after all those years of seeing your books heavily discounted at The Book People.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments on the revamp of Bill Blunt, Julian.
I think I detect a slight note of envy in that Wabb-Nasperton character's comments on your blog which I hope doesn't distress you.

I like to think of you as a hale and hearty drinking companion of old, whereas (if I may say) I think that the RWN's of this world are after rather more.

I do feel that Mrs Blunt's arrival on the scene may have somehow soured our relationship, however. If I may take advantage of Blogger's wonderful private messaging system, you should know that she means nothing to me. Of course, I couldn't say it publicly, but between you and me, it would be so good to see you again.
Let's leave it at that for now, eh?
Yours Affectionately
