The Academic Companion Piece to The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely

Friday, May 18, 2007

Looking to the Future

Good evening, history lovers!

While my field of expertise lies with the history and the past, sometimes it is also necessary to look to the future.

As I have the complete journals of Lord Likely at hand, I am considerably ahead in my reading of them than you reading them on the internet. I can assure you, there are some rather spectacular stories, terrific tales and of course, astonishing adventures, yet to grace your monitor screens.

As I have a head-start on you loyal readers, I thought I would tantalise you by occasionally offering you a sneaky peek at forthcoming adventures.

So, without further ado, I have whipped up this graphical advertisement to whet your appetites for one of Likely's imminent escapades. How does Lord Likely in America grab you?...

See y'all soon!

- Julian Syngen-Smythe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Julian - your skills know no bounds! I always said you were wasted at Reading University. Maybe now those arseholes at Oxford will take notice of you. They must be so envious.

(Not long until Hove, J!)