The Academic Companion Piece to The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely

Monday, April 23, 2007

Lord Likely: HisSpace

In the ongoing quest to promote the extraordinary journals of Lord Likely to the world wide web, I have taken the liberty of setting up Lord Likely with his very own MySpace page.

I do not pretend to understand the ins and outs of this particular networking tool, which is home to a bewildering array of youths with unsightly piercings and hairstyles that are, quite frankly, intimidating. But I am led to believe it is highly popular, and a useful tool for reaching out and touching thousands of potential would-be history lovers.

The MySpace page will also feature exclusive blog entries, and also some music by that fine composer, Edward Elgar.

Please take a moment, if you are a member, to make his Lordship your friend. He will reciprocate, if you are deemed worthy enough.

Thank you.

- Julian Syngen-Smythe.

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