The Academic Companion Piece to The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lord Likely - Comic Stripped

Hello, history lovers!

Children are pretty stupid, are they not? With their burbling and gurgling, and distinct lack of interest in history.

That is why, with the help of the excellent Strip Generator, I have fashioned this cartoon about the always astonishing Lord Likely:

(Click for full view)

I think children and teachers alike will be delighted.

- Julian Syngen-Smythe.


Anonymous said...

So, you now seek to attract an even younger audience to your putrid ramblings?

"Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man," in the words of that fine Jesuit, Francis Xavier.

It is not enough that you advertise your shoddy historical wares to teenagers on your new MySpace site. Now, you want the babes in arms to be inculcated with your dubious historical findings.

Well, you are clever, Prof Syngen-Smythe, I will give you that much. But the time has come to stop you in your tracks. I care not that you seem to have garnered many allies in your quest to promote the sordid tales of your invention, the so-called Lord Likely.

I have unleashed the dogs onto you, sir. The Genealogists are waiting in the wings to discredit you. Even as I write, they are patiently beavering away to construct the real family tree of Lord Likely. I am confident their endeavours will mean that you are finally unmasked as the fraud you are and always have been.

Yours etc etc

Dr Reginald Wabb-Nasperton

Anonymous said...

Oh, Wabb-Nasperton.

To be honest, your thinly-veiled jealousy at my continued success with my latest historical find, the journals of Lord Likely, is getting rather tired now.

I do not feel anger or hatred towards you. Instead I just feel pity. Pity that you will never taste the succulent fruit of success.

All you will ever taste is the bitter lemon of mediocrity.



Anonymous said...

Kids are stupid, that's why we must teach them...

Fashion more comic strips on

Anonymous said...

Oh, Julian, I am so sorry. When you asked me to write that first critical appraisal, in the hope of sparking a bit of controversy, it was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life.
You know I admire your work, for goodness sake. And you know I admire you.
Yours was the first male body I ever tasted and touched in 'that' way: I'll never forget Folkestone. You introduced me to a deeper love, and ever since that day Doris and I have merely been living a charade.
Please tell me that Hove is still on. Life without the thought of another meeting with you would be quite, quite intolerable. I shall bring the waders.

Anonymous said...

Ha! You'd better run, Wabb-Nasperton!

This town is called History, and I am it's sheriff.

(Yes, of course Hove is still on. I will see you there, bright and early! I cannot wait.)

- Julian.

J.D. said...

That was disgusting and I'm hoped you're ashamed of yourself. I like pie and naked porcupines. Whee!!!!!!