The Academic Companion Piece to The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely

Friday, September 07, 2007

A Walk in the Park

Good day, history lovers!

Today's enthralling chapter of Lord Likely's Astonishing American Adventure features some real-life history, thus it has me as excited as a dog in a fire hydrant factory.

In today's chapter, Likely meets Calvert Vaux and Frederick Law Olmstead, the joint designers of New York's Central Park. Of course, in 1856 the park was yet to be built, and his lordship makes a decent attempt at designing it himself. It's rather a pity the pair did not take Likely up on his plan, as it would have made for a rather unique-looking attraction. Ah, well.

To read more about Central Park's history, go HERE.

Further fascinating tidbits from his lordship's diaries are cropping up everywhere, especially regarding his own family. Already we have been introduced to his American half-brother, Ludlow Likely, learnt more about Lightnin' Lance Likely (the outlawed Likely, who also features in this blog, here) and discovered that in 1856, Lord Eustace Likely, the father of the clan, is still alive and pumping. Exciting times!

The Likely family tree is less a tree, and more an entire forest. I wonder what further revelations await us?

Stay tuned!...

- Prof. Julian Syngen-Smythe.

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