The Academic Companion Piece to The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Listen to Likely

Good day, history lovers!

Good heavens, I am buzzing today. I think I am high, readers. HIGH ON HISTORY!

As well as discovering Lord Likely's fantastic journals, I have recently made an ALL-NEW discovery that I think will SHAKE the WORLD of HISTORY to it's very FOUNDATIONS!

Whilst visiting a car boot sale in Lower Spaffton the other day, I chanced upon a booth run by a rather wizened-looking old man, who may or may not have soiled himself. Anyway, he was selling old record players, gramophones and records.

As I flipped through his assortment of vinyl, (featuring the likes of Des O'Connor, Harry Secombe, Cliff Richard and NWA), I suddenly chanced upon something that made me literally gasp in amazement.

It was a very old record, wrapped in a blank sleeve that bore the words 'Lord Likely Recordings (1855)'. Trembling with excitement, I opened it up and seeing that it seemed to be in pretty good condition, I decided to buy it there and then.

It only cost me 25p.

Hurrying home, I dusted down the record player and put the record on.

I was delighted.

There were dozens of short recordings on the record, all done by his lordship himself, including readings from his diaries, poetry and even some music. I almost defecated with sheer joy!

Of course, I could not keep this all to myself, so I transferred the recordings to my PC, cleaned them up as best I could (although they are still a touch crackly and hissy, I must say, but then they ARE 152 years old), and then uploaded them to MySpace.

Now YOU can listen to these wonderful recordings, by clicking below:

I do hope you will be as thrilled by them as I was. If so, keep a Kleenex handy.


-Prof. Julian Syngen-Smythe, editor The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely.

1 comment:

robkroese said...

That is indeed an amazing find.