The Academic Companion Piece to The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

His Lordship Loses His Widgets

Hello, history lovers!

Today has been a busy day, as I have set about reorganising the sidebar on The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely.

I had become aware, through some emails and comments, that his Lordship's journals sometimes took an age to load - if at all - due in no small part to the overwhelming amount of widgets on the site.

So, today I made a drastic decision - OFF WITH THE WIDGETS!

No-one likes to lose their widget, but I felt it necessary to do so. If we were losing even one reader due to slow loading times, then that was one reader too many, and one poor soul denied the pleasure of reading his lordship's writings.

So, I cleared out the widgets, but replaced them with more tasteful, graphical links instead. Having done that, I then decided to update all the more graphic links (buttons, adverts etc) to keep them more in keeping with the style and tone of the journals.

I hope the fine people at Fuel My Blog,, The Pisstakers, MyBlogLog, Blog Catalog and Spicy Page do not mind me taking such liberties. The reciprocal links are still there, they are just dressed up rather differently, and given a Victorian twist.

I have also added a couple more Victorian ads, some more priase from the newspapers at the time and some other bits and bobs, so go and peruse the journals right now, and let me know what you think of it's new-look sidebar.

Now, I am off to a real bar.


Prof. Julian Syngen-Smythe.

Update: I reinstated the Blog Catalog and MyBlogLog widgets, but much smaller this time. I missed seeing your beautiful faces.

Double Update: I have just added a 'Story So Far' recap on the sidebar of Likely's journals, so new readers can quickly catch-up on events in his lordship's latest adventures.


Nessa said...

My goodness, you have more blogs than I do.

The side bar looks very age appropriate.

Kevin D said...

I agree far more in tune Sire. If I may, I would like to recommend a Victorian fuelbadge..hmmm how do I make one?

robkroese said...

Well, I can't speak for the rest of the staff here at, but... oh, I can't maintain the facade. It's just me and I'm fine with it.